From stiffness and immobility to pain and discomfort, watching your dog live through the challenging symptoms of arthritis can become overwhelming. While medications and even surgery may be able to help your dog's discomfort, other, non-invasive solutions are available. If your dog is currently living with arthritis, consider one or all of these holistic treatment options that can improve their quality of life.


Obesity is one of the most common causes of arthritis. Excess weight will place more pressure on your dog's joints, which leads to the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. Reducing your dog's weight with diet and exercise will decrease this inflammation and pain.

Before changing your dog's food and incorporating more exercise into their routine, be sure to consult the veterinarian.

Consider a weight-management food, which contains less grains and better quality proteins. You should also stop giving your dog people food or table scraps.

Be sure to walk your dog daily, as well. Each day, increase the speed and distance your dog is able to walk. Light jogging is also beneficial for reducing your dog's weight.


Your dog's veterinarian will most likely prescribe medications to manage their arthritis. However, taking a few dietary supplements is also smart for reducing inflammation.

A glucosamine and chondroitin supplement is imperative if your dog has arthritis. Not only do these dietary supplements reduce painful inflammation, but they can also strengthen the ligaments and cartilage of your dog's joints.

Most veterinarians will recommend a dosage of 500 mg of glucosamine and 400 mg of chondroitin for every 25 pounds that your dog weighs. Incorporate the supplements into their food each day to manage the pain, stiffness, and mobility issues associated with arthritis.


While surprising to learn, your dog may also benefit from massage therapy. Massage not only relieves tension and stress in the joints, muscles, and ligaments, but it can also improve your dog's overall mood by increasing their brain's production of endorphins.

Allow your dog to rest on their bed and use your hands to knead the muscles and ligaments around their joints. While massaging your dog, use a soothing voice to reassure your dog that they are safe and loved.

From diet and exercise to supplements and massage, your dog does not have to suffer through the pain and stress of arthritis. With these options and your veterinarian's help, you can help manage your dog's painful symptoms. Check out the site for more.
